One of the most important things to consider when conducting a seminar is your seminar materials. No matter how good you are as a speaker, the people will want to have these materials for their own references and study guides. Seminar materials include workbooks, reference guides, manuals and hand-outs. These materials will help you introduce yourself to the people.
So what are the ways to make good seminar materials so that the seminar will be a profitable one? Listed below are the things to consider when making profitable seminar sales materials.
1. Your seminar materials should not always be a loose leaf when the people open it. It is better that you bind it, so all the materials will be kept together because they are going to browse the other study guides. It looks more organized too.
2. To cut cost on your seminar materials, why not print on both sides. Reduced paper is far cheaper than having many pages to print.
3. Highlight the important keys, events and facts that are listed in your seminar materials. That way you can point them easily to the topic you are discussing and they'll can see it right away. Use color codes that are available on the internet to make the material look more appealing.
When there are illustrations and charts in your seminar materials, it will be very good also if they are colored.
4. The most appealing seminar material are the ones that contain oversized pages that can be folded inside. Include the top topics you want your listeners to learn because you can include a lot of information in the folded page. You can tell the printing press how the fold is going to be. It can either be a Z fold or the traditional half fold, just the way you like it. But always make sure that the folded paper fits inside neatly.
5. Create a section where the participant can draw out the specific problems that they are facing. It will be more powerful if it is personal so that they feel you are extending your help to them.
6. Then never forget to put a lot of useful information at the end of your seminar material. But make sure that it is relevant to your seminar and the participants will find it useful for them.
These are some of the best techniques that will work for your seminar materials. Remember your seminar materials really speak of you, so take a closer look at your materials and plan the best way to attract the participants.

Design your Seminar Sales Materials To Get That Seminar Success!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM
Labels: Seminar Sales Materials, Seminar Success
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