Putting together a seminar is a major decision. It takes a lot of time, budget, resources and a lot of serious planning to be able to deliver quality seminars, but of course the benefits are worth it. Just think about the outstanding seminars you've gone to. What made them so good? What sets them apart? Were you able to apply the information that was taught in your own business? If all the answers are positive, then that seminar was a success. You should be able to identify what they did right and effectively apply it to your own seminar. This way you can successfully market your own expertise, products or services to your prospective clients, or even join forces with other colleagues to produce a good profitable seminar.
Why Do a Seminar?
Seminars are meant to educate, but also to sell. Seminars are more like a soft Selling Marketing Strategy giving you the opportunity to get up-front and personal with your target market. It also gives you the opportunity to engage in a discussion where you are seen as an expert that offers possible solutions.
The advantage is that you are seen as someone who is knowledgeable enough to endorse rather than a sales force behind a company. Your audience will be impressed and that can convert them to buying customers. Seminars are one of the ways to establish a connection to help build an environment where a relationship can be created, which is an opportunity to sell strategically.
Financial Management in a Seminar
The key factor that affects the planning of a seminar is the financial management side of it. To achieve a profitable turnout for a seminar is to be able to effectively plan the budget for it. The number of attendees usually dictates the overall cost of a seminar. The following is what you should consider once you come up with your tentative or final number of attendees:
Publicity materials
Speakers fee (if you are getting one aside from yourself)
Rentals (this include the venue and the following if it's not included in the venue chairs and tables, audio and video equipment, and lights and sounds)
General office expenses (usually the office supplies, photocopying, calls and faxes, shipping fees etc.)
Staff payroll (usually if it is a big seminar)
Meals (a seminar would not be complete without it)
And other related cost
Budget planning is a key factor to achieve a successful seminar. Usually it should take at least three months preparation time, to be able to organize especially if there will be external participants. Some seminars which include high-status speakers oftentimes take a year in advance to set-up.

Financial Management is a Must in a Seminar
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Financial Management, Must in a Seminar
Can Free Teleseminars Give You More Profit?
A lot of marketers thought that by offering free teleseminars to their potential customers, it would give them a boost in the response rate of their drooping direct mail or would make their business stand out from the rest. But be cautious, giving free teleseminars does not make it that easy and simple. If you are seriously considering giving free teleseminars to your potential customers, here are some questions to ask yourself first (actually they are already answered for your convenience):
Question: Are free teleseminars all about selling a particular product or service?
Answer: Yes, that is mainly why it fails. Realistically, a teleseminar is supposed to encourage participants to purchase a product. Making the selling aspect of the teleseminar too obvious and will annoy them more than make them buy. But if you try to make a presentation as informative as you possibly can (with only a hint of subtle selling), then participants will think highly of your company and will be inclined to make a purchase.
Question: Is it always the right approach to give free teleseminars?
Answer: It really depends on the strategy of your company's marketing plan. Free teleseminars usually work well if there is new technology or product to introduce. It is also perfect for products that need to be demonstrated, like computer software or system.
Question: If it's a free teleseminar, will that mean an overflow of registrants?
Answer: Free does not necessarily mean that people will come running. People have the impression that free means you have to buy something else. In reality, people are always flooded with free teleseminar invitations. Your concern is if your invitation will get their attention.
Question: If that is the case, should I charge a minimal fee to make it look like more important?
Answer: A big NO. It is not a free teleseminar anymore if you charge a fee no matter how minimal it is. If you charge even more then it would be improper to do any selling. Charging more is usually reserved for educational teleseminars. The goal is to sell your product.
At the end of the day giving something for free does not mean that your work is done. It just got you the attention that you need to work on your strategy to sell. Once you have that attention, you only have one chance to make a difference.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Can Free, Teleseminars Give
An Automated Seminar is a Profitable Business
Entertainment is considered a very vital commodity in our society. Presenters and speakers firmly believe that their sole purpose is to educate people. Although it is true (partly) it is not actually what gets them there, inspires them, or better yet to take action as the seminar recommends. For most of us education has its negative connotation.
That is why there is a great deal of similarity between good entertainment and a quality seminar. In truth, your seminar needs to be a bit entertaining too. Speakers should consider the fact of what keeps the participants in their chairs, prompts then to buy your products, makes them want to go back for more, and eventually advocate your seminars to friends, families, and even associates. Believe me, as much as the content is a factor; it is greatly contributed to the fact that they enjoyed the seminar.
In this business, you really need to think about how you can hold on to your participants interest throughout the seminar. That is why it is imperative to have killer content but also a killer script for their entertainment. There are also various ways to do your seminar such as having your participants share with the group, do exercises, and of course taking regular breaks and some snacks to go with it. These breaks are very important at a seminar (especially the long ones), it give the participants some breathing space in between topics.
Take notice of singers or bands, for instance as long as they do not sing the same genre of songs for a long period of time. They would probably start their set with slow songs and then eventually and gradually switch to fast-beat songs. Those who really know how to work a crowd would probably do small chit-chats in between songs. It could just be a simple intro of the next act or they might even share some personal funny stories about their lives, but basically and in any case even a short couple of minutes will somehow break the monotony of each song.
So you see, it's really not about which is better; entertaining or educating. It is actually about entertaining AND educating all at the same time. It is just a simple way of achieving an ambience that will make your participants feel that they are involved, which will inspire them to engage in discussions, and ultimately will make your seminars profitable.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Entertaining Seminar, Profitable Business
Motivational Seminars: Making Your Life's Vocation Your Business
Having the genuine desire to impart valuable wisdom to your audience is a noble goal, but if you're serious about having a career in motivational speaking then you need something more than that. To make your motivational seminar profitable, you need to remember that what you're doing is not just your life's vocation but your business as well.
Use Seminar Materials as a Marketing Tool
Materials you distribute to your audience should not only include summarized points of your lecture but also your contact details. This will serve as your calling card to them, giving your audience a way of contacting you just in case they want you to hold another seminar in their area.
Get Their Contact Details
Seminars require listeners to register for one major reason, and that's so they can obtain a means to contact people and invite them for subsequent seminars. If they're interested in listening to you now and you've no plans of doing anything to change their minds, then there's a very good chance they'll be willing to listen to you again.
Remember to instruct the people you're assigning to the registration tables to ensure that each listener provides at least an email address, if not a phone number or residence address, for their contact details.
Always Give Your Best
Treat each seminar like it's your last. Profitability of your seminar is generally proportionate to your skills as a motivational speaker. You need to prove that your seminar is worth every dollar they've paid to hear you speak.
Consider Team-Ups
Look for a motivational speaker you can work with or just about any other professional to complement your seminar. This will add variety to your seminar and if all things go well, it can even let you increase your seminar fee the next time.
Encourage Returns and Referrals
Don't ever let them step out of the room without informing them about the seminars you have scheduled ahead on your calendar. Inform your listeners that they can receive discounts if they attend any of your subsequent seminars. All they need to do is provide verifiable proof like a ticket stub from your seminar and they'll be able to attend your seminars at a discounted price. Let them know they can also obtain greater discounts for every referral they make.
Ask for Feedback
Last but certainly not least, don't forget to distribute short survey questionnaires to your audience. It's the people listening to you who'll ultimately be the best judge in determining what factors make your motivational seminars profitable and of course enjoyable as well.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:11 PM 0 comments
4 Tips on Creating Dollar-Earning Seminar Titles
Titles generally have the power to make or break works of art, whether they're books, movies, or songs. And as far as seminars are concerned, titles have considerable influence on the events success.
4 Tips on Creating Dollar-Earning Seminar Titles
Creating a title for your seminar, regardless of the topic, is just like creating a title for a novel or song. Basically, you want something that instantly grabs peoples attention or enough to make them want to know more about it, or better yet, attend the seminar right away.
Keep It Short
The shorter your title is, the greater the impact. Having a short title makes the meaning powerfully clear to everyone who reads it. Its briefness also makes it easy for people to recall your seminar. If you want to add more details, you can use them as your subtitle. What matters is keeping your title as short as possible.
Quantify It
Doesn't 7 Ways to Earn Today sound better than merely saying ways to Earn Today? The latter is too vague but the former asserts its intentions in almost a commanding way. The title lets you know immediately that you're going to find seven and its easy to imagine the word SEVEN in capital letters and then ways to earn money today.
If you want a head turner for a title, you need to quantify your statement. Ideas you can quantify include but are not limited to the amount of money you can directly or indirectly derive from your seminar, the number of days it will take your listener to put your lessons to work, and of course, the number of tips you'll be sharing in your seminar.
Think Brand Recognition
The name Ferrari always makes people imagine wealth, power, and beauty. You, too, should aim for instant brand recognition when creating your title. If you have a famous guest speaker joining you in your seminar, include his name in the title. If you are focusing on 9-11, be sure to include the event in your title. Anything that makes your people immediately grasp the concept of your seminar and make them want to know more should definitely be included in your title.
Speak the Language of Your Target Market
If you are targeting teenagers then you have to speak their language and avoid formal or archaic words. If you are speaking to businessmen then you should know that they're more likely to be impressed if you have Bill Gates as a guest than Lindsay Lohan. If you want your title to standout, make sure they understand it first!
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: 4 Tips on Creating, Dollar-Earning
5 Essential Factors to Consider for Seminar Pricing
Determining the right price for your seminars is just like determining how much you wish to sell the brownies you've baked. But instead of delicious chocolate pastries, what you're selling this time is the wisdom you're imparting to the audience.
Compute Costs
Naturally, the first thing you should aim for is your seminar price to offset your costs. That's why its important to calculate your expenses from day one. How much are you paying for the venue? Are you going to rent a sound system? Are you going to offer foods and drinks? Are you going to employ people to help you conduct the seminar? What about printing costs for materials? Do you have any marketing expenses?
As all these will reflect on your income tax report, its best to keep all receipts and related documents as proof for such figures.
Compute Discounts
Are you going to give discounts to people who are returning to listen for the second or third time or people who are bringing referrals with them? What about existing tie-ups you have with certain companies or organizations? You need to consider all these as they'll reduce the amount of money you can earn from your seminar fees.
Estimate Venue Capacity and Expected Attendance Rate
What's the maximum number of persons the venue will be capable of accommodating? How many persons do you expect to attend your seminar? You'll need to ask the venue manger for the first figure and make a calculated guess for the latter. The more people you expect to attend, the greater chance you can afford to reduce your seminar fee.
Compute Taxes
You didn't really think that your seminars could escape the IRS, did you? As long as you're earning more than peanuts from any legal activity, expect the IRS to ask for a slice from your occupational pie. With regard to taxes, you may need the help of an accountant to accurately determine how much you're expected to pay in terms of taxes.
Consider Industry Rates
Finally, we come to the part of determining the markup of your seminar fee. How much is Oprah charging these days for her seminars? What about Rick Warren or Robert Kiyosaki? Now, compare yourselves to them. Can you justify charging the same rates they do? Assess your capabilities honestly. What is a reasonable rate for the kind of seminar you're offering? Consider your topic as well. Is it something new; something that hasn't yet been discussed and is sure to catch peoples attention?
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:11 PM 0 comments
How to Find Topics that Can Lay Golden Eggs through Your Seminars
No matter how skilled and knowledgeable you are as a speaker, there are just some topics in your niche that are less profitable than others and conversely, there are some topics that will rake in more dollars than others. Here are a few tips to help you unearth the topics designed to lay golden eggs through your seminars.
Earn More from Your Area of Expertise
Consider: Stephen King and JK Rowling are both famous and successful authors, but guess who you're going to listen to if you want to write a horror novel? A combination of knowledge, skills, experience, and personality makes certain topics more profitable for you than others. You should know what these topics are and find ways to improve so you can continue being the best and earning the most from these topics.
Latest Trends Yield Greater Returns
Think of what's currently making waves in your target market. If you are mainly catering to mothers, housewives, and women who are generally aged 40 and above and live in the suburbs, you should look for ways of connecting your seminars to the latest issues affecting them. Think Desperate Housewives, online protection for kids, and maybe even same-sex marriages. You need to be constantly alert for the issues that strongly affect your target market, regardless of whether it elicits a favorable or unfavorable reaction from them.
Use the Calendar as the Guide
What's happening now? Is it just a few weeks away from Christmas? Then you should take advantage of that and think about what kind of seminar topic you can introduce and connect to Christmas. Is it summer? What is there in summer that you can relate to the kind of topics you usually discuss?
Promises for a Better Future
People love to find out how they can improve themselves, earn more money, and make their future brighter in general. Your seminars have better chances of selling out if you can find a way to convince people that you're offering them a chance to have a nicer future to look forward to.
Study the Competition
Finally, we boil down to the competition. You're not being asked to copy them. Well, not totally, at least. But look at your competition. Who's currently enjoying sold-out crowds with their seminars? What similarities do their seminars have in terms of the topics they're discussing? Now, consider those similarities: can you think of something that's directly related to those topics but presenting contrasting or varying elements at the same time? If the hottest topic today is health and diet, with most speakers focusing on the benefits of vitamins, what if you talk about the risks of taking vitamins or the consequences of not taking vitamins?
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Can Lay Golden Eggs, How to Find Topics
Oopps! How You Can Handle Equipment Failures During Seminars
Any seasoned seminar speaker will tell you that one of the most dreaded worst-case scenarios that could happen during a lecture involves the breakdown of equipment. Everything could be going well and then the projector inexplicably stops working or the microphone suddenly goes quiet. Equipment is so important as a seminar accessory that if you come unprepared and it does break down, it could ruin a perfectly well-planned lecture. Here's how to handle any equipment failures that might occur during a seminar:
Check the equipment prior to the seminar.
Part of effective seminar organization and planning is ensuring that you have the necessary equipment required for the job. Weeks before the scheduled day, check the suppliers for your equipment to ensure that they will have the devices ready for your seminar.
Three to four days prior to the set date, test-run your presentation with the equipment you will be using to check for compatibility. If any problems occur, you should be able to fix them immediately and still have time to make any adjustments or replacements.
Review your list of equipment. This is very important especially if you will be traveling to the seminar venue. There shouldn't be any excuse for forgetting an important accessory or equipment. Make sure that everything is in excellent condition and working order.
Make sure the venue is ready.
If possible, visit the site prior to the seminar. This is a good idea not only to familiarize yourself with the area but also to find out where exactly you can place the equipment. You and your staff can also check for potentially problematic fixtures that will affect how your equipment will work. At this point, you can get in touch with the people in charge of the venue in order to make the necessary adjustments or repairs.
Bring a backup.
Always assume that something can go wrong. To prevent any possibility that you may be grasping for air during the seminar, bring along a backup for the most critical equipment. Bring an extra laptop battery, extra bulbs in case you're using an old model projector, extra cables, an extra CD in case something goes wrong in the presentation file in your hard disk, etc.
If all else fails
Improvise. As a seminar speaker, you have to be quick on your feet. Using a wireless mic? Bring a traditional wire mic as well. If the wireless microphone fails, you can still use another equipment in its place. Using a digital projector? If it fails during the seminar, why not use a white board and a pen instead? If you're prepared, it's highly unlikely that equipment failures will occur during your seminar. But just the same, be ready in case it does.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Equipment Failures, How You Can
4 Ways You Can Get Coaching Projects from Seminars
Whether you're a motivational speaker or a consultant, speaking at a seminar is an excellent way to jumpstart your career as a coach. Becoming a coach is simply an extension of your specialization and will be an excellent source of experience, additional contacts and income. Here's how you can use your seminar to get coaching projects:
Streamline your seminar.
Design your seminar in such a way that it showcases your expertise. Find a niche where your skills, training and knowledge can be showcased. Never try to be some sort of jack-of-all-trades person. Even the most inexperienced seminar attendees are suspicious about people who claim to know it all.
If your background is in Human Resources, for example, offer seminars that teach the people in your industry about related concerns like recruitment, manpower training, benefits and compensation issues, human capital development, etc. You not only have the past experience to tap, you actually know what you're talking about.
Offer your own studies, interviews and surveys.
If you've done some research on the subject of your seminar in the past, use that. Even a five-year-old survey can be used provided you have new data to compare it with. Being able to offer data you have collected and analyzed yourself establishes the image that you take your specialization seriously. It also lets people know that you have the necessary skills to assume coaching projects effectively.
Advertise your expertise.
In your promotional and advertising materials, enumerate your qualifications. That way, when potential attendees read your brochures or invites, they will know what to expect from you. Make a list of all your major certifications and trainings, especially those that can help you get potential coaching projects.
Create a brief profile on your seminar invitations and brochures. Include your education, career highlights and other qualifications. And yes, let them know you accept appointments and consultations.
Prepare a kit for your target market.
A simple coaching kit can be made up of a brochure that lists your subject expertise, qualifications and schedule of seminars. You could also include other promotional materials, testimonials and list of individuals and companies you've worked with before (don't forget to ask permission to do this).
Know the right people to send this kit to. For companies, for example, send a kit to the HR person, department supervisor or manager. Know who the major decision makers are and market to them. Do the same for associations and clubs. For individuals, however, you can be more flexible but try to see which ones will truly be interested in what you have to offer.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: 4 Ways You Can Get
6 Ways to Effectively Handle Hecklers During Seminars
Ah, hecklers. The bane of a perfectly good seminar. There you are, doing your job, getting your momentum going, delivering the lecture that took weeks to make and then this guy in the corner starts yelling insults and over-used one-liners meant to keep you off track. Hecklers can mean big trouble, but only if you let them get to you. Here are ways you can handle hecklers during seminars:
Always anticipate questions.
Practicing and studying your lectures will help you a good deal when it's time to face any hecklers in your audience. A full understanding of what your seminar is about means they won't find any holes with which to poke you with. Try to answer future questions by discussing them in your lecture. You'll disarm hecklers this way. Always come prepared.
Assume the leadership role.
Your job as a seminar speaker means you are in control, so show it. Let your audience know how the seminar will go; you lecture first and then answer questions at the end of the speech. That way, you let people know what you expect of them and the type of interaction you will allow in your lectures.
If you have limitations, say so at the beginning.
If you have limited expertise or knowledge in certain topics or areas, announce it to the audience prior to the first lecture. So in case a heckler tries to derail you with a question pertaining to those areas, you can smoothly remind them that the subject is outside your expertise and will not be discussed. They can, however, refer the question to someone else.
Ask the question.
Turn the tables on a heckler. Ask what they mean by the question, why they are asking and what their qualifications are. And yes, ask them to identify themselves. Some hecklers feel uncomfortable being known. Returning the question to them means you want them to explain what it is they are asking and why. Dissecting a question is quite effective especially for nonsensical inquiries.
Show you understand and don't take it personally. Try to find a common denominator between you and you'll be the sympathetic one. The heckler will appear troublesome and out of place.
Cool it.
Whatever happens, never ever lose your temper. When you do, you let the heckler get the better of you. You lose your composure, your audience's respect and your self-esteem. Keep cool about the question and don't try to retaliate with the same anger or malice. Don't yell, rant or rage. You'll only embarrass yourself and give the heckler a nice story to tell for years to come.
Dissect the question, answer the key questions if there are any, point out to the nonsensical or unimportant ones and then ignore them. Hecklers want their 15 minutes. Give it to them but only if you control the situation and then move on.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:11 PM 0 comments
5 Steps to Launching Your Career as a Motivational Speaker
Words have the power that can change lives and while many of us cringe at the thought of speaking in public, there are a few who have ventured bravely into this domain. Now, they enjoy a life that allows them to travel, share their ideas and inspire thousands. If that is your idea of a great job, here's how to launch your career as a motivational speaker:
Use your life experience.
Many of the best motivational speakers tap their life experiences during their lectures. Erin Brockovich, a mom and activist and Olympic great Mary Lou Retton are just two very well-known speakers who have taken their experiences and used them as a rich source of inspiration for other people.
However, don't think that you have to be famous or do something radical with your life in order to become a motivational speaker. Think of all the things that you have accomplished in life like completing school, getting a job, starting a dream business, writing a book, building relationships, even successfully overcoming a destructive habit. These experiences can be an excellent source of examples for your speeches and lectures.
Find a value in what you have to offer.
Telling people about your life story won't do the trick. To be able to launch your career as a motivational speaker, find out how your lectures can guide or help other people who want to make their dreams come true, solve difficulties and generally make their lives better.
Define your 'specialty'.
Determine which niche you want to specialize in. You can't do it all even if you want to. Imagine how suspicious your audience will be if you offer solutions to everything in their lives. Pick an area you can truly specialize like improving leadership qualities, finding romance, losing weight, getting rich, becoming a better parent, selling more, etc.
Prepare a series of lectures.
Giving a series of small yet connected lectures is more effective than having one big lecture. This helps you get a feel of what it would be like to work as a motivational speaker. It also helps you improve yourself over time. Try to develop a succession of lectures that can help people improve, a sort of like a step-by-step series that allows people to move from one level to the next.
Improve your public speaking skills.
This is the core of everything you will be doing as a motivational speaker. Learn how to use your voice, gestures and general body language. You also need to practice the appropriate facial expressions and intonations. And yes, the way you speak will make a huge difference in your success, so practice, practice, practice.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: 5 Steps to Launching, Motivational Speaker
5 Places to Look for Seminar Attendees
One of the most important concerns you will ever have as a seminar speaker is: Who will attend my lectures or speeches? Knowing exactly who your seminars are for will help you narrow down your advertising and promotions efforts and ensure the success of your seminar. Here are ways to look for seminar attendees for your lectures:
Businesses and corporations
Businesses are among the top attendees of seminars. Staff and employees from small, medium and large-sized corporations often go to seminars in order to improve their skills, learn new technologies and update their knowledge. Send your brochure or invitations to the Human Resources or Training department of these companies.
Clubs, groups and professional associations
Your city or locality is home to clubs and associations that regularly meet. If you feel that your seminar will be useful to their members, why not send an invitation or brochure to these groups?
You could also set an appointment with the club president and ask to speak during one of their meetings. You could either give a short lecture; something related to the topic they are currently discussing or you could ask for a few minutes prior to the start of a meeting to promote your seminar.
Schools, colleges and universities
If your seminar is about leadership, motivation or getting organized, look for seminar attendees from educational institutions. You could also promote seminars that seek to improve skills or introduce new ones. Students are often on the lookout for training that will help them cope with their studies or improve the knowledge base they already have.
Trade and local fairs
Another great way to look for seminar attendees is to go to local and trade fairs. Find out which fairs are opening in your locality, bring your business card, brochures or invitations and distribute them. Maybe you could also arrange with one of the fair participants to have your invitations displayed in their booths.
If you have a product to sell, such as a book, CD or DVD, why not set up your own booth and distribute your invitations from there?
Local radios and TV stations
Generally, promoting your seminar on radio and TV will mean casting a wider net. However, you could narrow it down by seeking radio and TV stations that cater to the demographics you are targeting. Arrange for a short interview with the DJ to promote your seminar. To perk more interest from potential seminar attendees, offer a few tickets as prizes for callers.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Places to Look, Seminar Attendees
Learn the Basics of Preparing Profitable Teleseminars
Nowadays, teleseminars are used most by internet marketers to bring in more sales. What is a teleseminar anyway? How does it differ from a regular seminar? A person doing teleseminars calls people who need his/her knowledge and skills in certain subjects. He/she can make a call from anywhere around the world and provide these people with information. Yet you'd be surprised how average internet marketers seldom use this method of generating sales. Today, most of them prefer to use expensive but not so effective pay-per-click ads or researching and writing web content articles. Most of the successful internet marketers won't even recommend teleseminars to a successful marketing plan. Nevertheless, you don't have to be disappointed doing teleseminars. In fact, it's even better not to have so many competitors on this side of the business.
Introduction to teleseminars
The person whom you will be calling will call in on a bridge line. Usually, bridge lines are free while some require a monthly fee to access it. The most convenient times for you to be doing a teleseminar would be from four in the afternoon up to eight in the evening. However, your calls will largely depend on the listeners free time. Unless your listener is also working in the comforts of his/her home, then there's a big chance of you calling anytime of the day.
Preparing for a profitable teleseminar
Here are five helpful ways to a profitable teleseminar:
What to discuss? Your topics should meet all the demands and expectations of your clients. Continue to learn and research in your field of specialty to satisfy your clients demands.
Where to research? Before you give your teleseminars, you must be fully equipped with information regarding your topic of discussion. The Internet is a very powerful tool in providing you with the necessary information on your topic. The big advantage of using the Internet is that information is updated regularly.
Who to ask for help? As a novice in this particular field of marketing, you may lack some facts with regards to teleseminars. Ask people who are experts on this field and raise any of your doubts and questions. You may develop a partnership with them before going on a solo flight.
When are you going to conduct teleseminars? There is a right for everything. When you are absolutely prepared to handle a successful teleseminar, then you'll know it's time for you to start giving teleseminars to your clients.
Why should you be prepared doing a teleseminar? A successful teleseminar shows your good reputation, satisfaction from the client and holds the future of your career.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Learn the Basics, Preparing Profitable
Presenting Your Credentials During A Seminar: What's the Best Way of Doing It?
A seminar is an event where you get to meet people who are in the same business as you. Being one of the participants, you learn a lot of things including tips, techniques and guides to operating a successful business. Or in another case, you attend seminars so you can meet people whom you would like to work with in the future. Indeed, going to a seminar allows you to get to know important individuals. This is a common event which usually takes place at the end of the seminar. Individuals working for different companies chat with the same kind of people to build marketing relationships. Thus, it's a really great idea if you attend seminars with a goal of presenting your credentials to people you would like to work with.
Present your credentials in a visually remarkable fashion
At first, you may think that you will be the only who will be presenting your credentials during the seminar but by the time you arrive, you notice that some attendees have the same idea as you. Never fear though. You have to make yourself presentable as well. Dress as if you are applying for your dream job. Be prepared to answer questions fired at you randomly and always answer with direct and honest answers. With regards to your credentials, place them neatly in a folder. Your credentials have the biggest impact on deciding your future career. Not only should it provide your achievements in the field of education and work experience but it must also give a professional impression. Hence your first impression must have the very best effort.
On the actual presentation of credentials
When you present your credentials (that includes your cover letter, resume, business cards and leave behinds), separate them into folders so your potential employers won't have a hard time looking for a particular record. Remember to be proud of your credentials. When they see that you are really the right person for the job, your chance of employment is big.
Since presenting your credentials during a seminar is not really what you would call a formal job interview, you can skip adding references to your credentials. You can add it later when you are called for a formal interview. Aside from the competition you'll have to deal with, remember that you'll have a hard time presenting your credentials with the same people for the second time. Give your best shot and make your credentials as professional as they can be.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Guide to a Profitable Seminar: How to Select an Ideal Subject?
Seminars have always been thought of as a holistic experience for the people who have attended them. Choosing a subject to be discussed at a seminar may be a difficult task. Especially if you are still new to organizing seminars as your choice of living, perhaps being assigned to select an appropriate subject to be talked about will take a lot of thinking. There are many factors that affect the choice of picking the right subject. Of course, you still have to ask permission from your clients whether they approve of the subject. Here are helpful tips for selecting a profitable seminar subject.
Choose a subject discussing general business
We know that seminar hosting is a great way of connecting and building good relationships with people who are in the same business. The subject of the seminar should appeal to your clients first before taking into consideration the other factors. Back to the choice of subject, choose something which is closely related to the kind of business your client is operating. For instance, if your client is in an IT-related business, choose a subject which is IT-related. This is usually the reason why some seminars fail. They don't give their main focus to the kind of business their clients are operating.
Choose industry-related subjects
Focusing on an industry-related subject is a sure hit among other subjects you might discuss at a seminar. Discuss mainly what you can do to solve general business-related problems. Participants will surely listen and might even allow you to organize their seminars someday. An advantage of discussing an industry-related subject is that there are a lot of sources in which you could research. The Internet for one thing provides you with updated information on the business world. Naturally, when it comes down to giving solutions to business problems, you'll definitely attract the attention of your audience.
What specific subjects would the audience mostly enjoy listening?
Here are some of the industry-related subjects in which you could freely discuss at a seminar:
Building a new and easier way to strengthen marketing relationship.
Ways to improve business security.
Methods of increasing company productivity.
How to get a maximum return of investment.
How to reach more prospective customers in easier and less expensive ways
Lastly, select a subject which is easy to understand and apply. Choose something unique and don't omit any information you know. You hold seminars not only to gain lots of earnings but also to help those individuals who want to taste success in the field of business.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Learn the Basics of Structuring a Profitable Seminar
To generate sales effectively, different companies reach out to prospective customers in a lot of ways. An example is holding an organized seminar. A seminar is specifically tailored to discuss the prospects areas of interest and generally provides methods, tips, solutions, etc. to help them in succeeding in their lines of business. The reason why a lot of companies organize seminars is that they have the freedom to discuss freely their stands and provide the attendees their services without other companies offering their services and solutions. In short, a company holding a seminar has an unrivalled opportunity to encourage participants to patronize their products and/or services. If you're assigned to structure a profitable seminar, here are tips that will provide you with satisfying the needs of your clients and future clients as well.
Address the business area specifically
Not only does this method draw the listeners, it will also give you more opportunity in structuring a seminar to its maximum level of discussion. The style in which the seminar is structured largely reflects the ability and quality of the company. Thus, your main focus is to present the target audience with topics revolving around a central theme and a universal purpose.
Select a good venue
When you select a good venue, it doesn't mean it has to be the most expensive nor the most exclusive venue you could offer to the company and its participants. A good venue should be flexible enough to accommodate the number of participants at the seminar. It must have the complete facilities and technology to be able to meet all the events activities. Moreover, check whether the venue provides assistance, ambience, and see whether the rental fee is worth everything it offers.
Publicize the event efficiently
Seminar marketing is a vital task when it comes to structuring a profitable seminar. So far, it is also regarded as the biggest factor in a seminars success. Usually, when an event takes place, attendees who turn up were motivated by its advertising and the effectiveness of its marketing activities. To promote the event, you can do the either of the following:
If the budget is large, you can use television and radio advertising or the newspapers. Choose the advertising company which reaches the most people.
Post banners with areas of large human traffic.
If the budget isn't capable of those mentioned before, use mass faxing to companies that need your clients services.
Always be prepared on the actual day
Go to the venue earlier than the rest on the actual day. Conduct a meeting with the staff and discuss what they are expected to do. Always be prepared when the seminar starts. A successful seminar also reflects on how well you've structured the event. More success means more profit.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Learn the Basics, Profitable Seminar
Surefire Ways to Help you Start Getting Bookings for Your Seminar
Now that you have finished you're plans for your seminar, and have the design and advertising, the next thing you do is attract people to your seminar. But how will you get them to your door? Of course every seminar has a fee. Now think is your seminar worth the fee. If you think have something good for the participants and you are ready to deliver your seminar, you are now ready to book them.
What are the ways to take bookings for your seminar? Read on to learn some of the creative techniques so you can reach a participant by getting bookings from them.
First you need to buildup a list of potential participants for your invitations and from other enquiries list you already have but have not been converted to your bookings. Make frequent, polite calls so that the actual selling process moves. This is what you call the follow up method.
Most people will likely attend if you give them benefits. One good thing to give is an incentive. Before, people went to seminars to get helpful information, but as they matured they looked for reasons because time is very precious to them. So a good incentive will work to attract participants.
Before taking bookings, make sure that you set the proper time and location. Many business owners have families so set your time to accommodate them. A good time to start is during 7 to 8 pm, since some parents drop and pick up their kids from school. About the location, the very best is in the heart of the city.
Always consider networking as a good reason to get large participants. Not only does it get potential participants from your contacts and other acquaintances but it can seek a far broader audience through exploring different networks.
After you have all these, you can plan now on how you will take bookings. It could either be the conventional phone calls or the most popular way which is through the internet. Online booking is a good idea right now since the internet is a place people visit everyday.
You can visit this site to help you start up with your booking ideas, www.MyBookingManager.com. Well, there are actually a number of websites for booking ideas, just visit the internet to give you the help you need. Start working real hard and you'll see the rewards. Good luck!
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Start Getting Bookings, Your Seminar
Using Feedback For Profitable Seminars
Seminars are an excellent way of showcasing your knowledge and skills. Once your seminar becomes effective, companies will readily want your service and this can lead to high profits! The effectiveness of a seminar however will rely on the persons or groups receiving it. Getting the peoples feedback about your seminar can really be beneficial to you.
How will you get the attendees feedback on a seminar? There are many ways of doing this but generally all feedback is done after the end of the workshop. The most common means is to distribute survey questionnaires eliciting the comments and suggestions of the participants. You can get examples of the questionnaires or modify your own. Some of the common parts are survey regarding the venue (if the place is conducive for the seminar), the food (does the food taste well), the speaker (expertise and knowledge) the conduct of the seminar and the topic discussed (was it informational and helpful).
With all the feedback from the participants, their first hand experiences can bring about changes on how your seminar can be presented. Feedback will lead to certain benefits such as it will help you with your planning the next time. With real facts coming from the attendees, you will know what did not work and what worked among your techniques. You can make a better presentation next time if the participants view that there is something lacking in it.
You can also compute for what will cost you on your next seminar with the use of feedback from the participants. If the participants commented that the materials used weren't sufficient and if the venue is not suitable for the conduct of training, this can help you seek a better location and better materials that can be supplemental for the learning process. You can have cost cutting measures and bidding processes and all will lead you to budget your resources better.
Customer feedback can also win you a new set of clients. If the participants gave positive feedback about your seminar, they can relate it to the other groups. This can also be a marketing scheme for you to prove that you have good seminars that are appreciated by many people. Through this, you are giving yourself an edge in the business.
Feedback on seminars can be positive or negative but altogether can help you improve your craft and can lead to your self fulfillment. Using the feedback can give you profits that you never imagined before. So collect all the feedback and use them for your success!
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Using Feedback
Design your Seminar Sales Materials To Get That Seminar Success!
One of the most important things to consider when conducting a seminar is your seminar materials. No matter how good you are as a speaker, the people will want to have these materials for their own references and study guides. Seminar materials include workbooks, reference guides, manuals and hand-outs. These materials will help you introduce yourself to the people.
So what are the ways to make good seminar materials so that the seminar will be a profitable one? Listed below are the things to consider when making profitable seminar sales materials.
1. Your seminar materials should not always be a loose leaf when the people open it. It is better that you bind it, so all the materials will be kept together because they are going to browse the other study guides. It looks more organized too.
2. To cut cost on your seminar materials, why not print on both sides. Reduced paper is far cheaper than having many pages to print.
3. Highlight the important keys, events and facts that are listed in your seminar materials. That way you can point them easily to the topic you are discussing and they'll can see it right away. Use color codes that are available on the internet to make the material look more appealing.
When there are illustrations and charts in your seminar materials, it will be very good also if they are colored.
4. The most appealing seminar material are the ones that contain oversized pages that can be folded inside. Include the top topics you want your listeners to learn because you can include a lot of information in the folded page. You can tell the printing press how the fold is going to be. It can either be a Z fold or the traditional half fold, just the way you like it. But always make sure that the folded paper fits inside neatly.
5. Create a section where the participant can draw out the specific problems that they are facing. It will be more powerful if it is personal so that they feel you are extending your help to them.
6. Then never forget to put a lot of useful information at the end of your seminar material. But make sure that it is relevant to your seminar and the participants will find it useful for them.
These are some of the best techniques that will work for your seminar materials. Remember your seminar materials really speak of you, so take a closer look at your materials and plan the best way to attract the participants.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Seminar Sales Materials, Seminar Success
Seminar Format You can Use to Achieve a Profitable Seminar
To succeed with your seminar, always think of those strategic seminar formats. There are actually a number of ways you can do this. Organizing and implementing a very good format can turn your seminar to success.
There are a lot of different seminars, some are made to inspire, educate and entertain. But whatever seminar it is, the sole purpose is to learn from it. Another thing is to persuade people to go to your seminar. It is really a hard task. Just keep focused, and everything will go your way.
Seminar success is based on how many people show up and enjoy it. So spend your time and days to organize your seminar and see the good results for all your efforts. Below are the ways to have a good seminar format to get you started.
Most people do not really have time for a long seminar. Some of them might get bored if you have a very long time discussing things that are not direct to the point. Attendees time is precious so why not have a seminar for just a half day or less. But make sure that your seminar is a fruitful one. Less time but more information, learning and advice.
Try to arrange a good time for your seminar, the place it will be held and the time when they are going to have their lunch breaks.
Next, you need a lot of practice. Watch other successful seminars and you can definitely learn from them. At any rate, practice really makes perfect.
Lastly, focus on what format you will use for your seminar. Always make the people feel that you can educate them. Try to catch their attention at the beginning. Do not just tell them the information, always seek their problems and give them the best solutions. So always be ready to answer and give possible solutions. Never sell your products, keep in mind that you sell yourself. The people will have fun if they will get to know more information about you. Just be confident but humble about your achievements if you do tell them.
These are some of the few ways you can plan your seminar. Always keep your cool. Focus and have the best seminar plan and design that will fit your seminar style.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Profitable Seminar, Seminar Format
Market you Seminar with Different Helpful Techniques
More and more people go to seminars to attend a professional lecture about business, technology, education and many others. Seminars are highly regarded as a useful instruction for any particular area where you get to learn things, interact with other people, and even raise your own questions.
If you want to conduct a seminar, it may be hard to persuade people to go. You need to have a specialized skill to attract people to your seminars. There are a lot of marketing techniques that will help you sell your seminar. Read on to learn the things you need to know to market your seminar.
1. Find listing online. Since the internet is the busiest place, you can catch potential leads for your seminar. There are specialized sites where you can sell events like seminars, classes or workshops. This is indeed the easiest way to target potential people to attend your seminar. Just search the web to find internet providers that give this kind of service.
2. Most people who will conduct seminars will use brochures and flyers to fill your seminar. It is the traditional way but it works. How about being more warm with those potential attendees to attract them to your seminar. All you need to do is to make the people subscribe to your website, this way you can send them newsletters about your seminars.
3. During your past seminars, I am sure you had a lot of attendees, so why not market your next seminar to them. If your last seminar was a success and the attendees had fun and they learned from you, chances are you can persuade them to come to your next seminar.
4. Before you conduct your seminar, it is very important that you undergo training, even though you think that you are ready for it. Take training from professional organizations. This way the people learn that you have undergone training with them; they will be more convinced you can conduct a good seminar.
5. Always create good marketing brochures, this will attract the attendees attention.
6. Many people will decide at the very last minute, grab this opportunity. Give them the so called last minute pricing. You can do this after ten days if you still have vacant seats. You can market and list your seminar through this site, www.lastminutetraining.ca. Tell them that you have a special price offer, definitely. More people will be interested.
7. The traditional way still works, market the seminar yourself. Go out and do the job. More personal networking can be a good way to attract people to your seminar.
These are some of the marketing techniques that will help sell your seminar. It takes a lot of patience and effort to get people to attend. Get things done and see the promising rewards it brings. Good Luck!
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Have Large Profits! Use These Seminar Payment Schemes
The conduct of seminars is not only talking and interacting with people. It will cover the logistics before and after such an event. You may need to market yourself to other people and this will also mean bargaining and negotiating for the fees to be collected. This will be stressful if the clients want a good seminar for a low price. If this is your problem, this article can give you helpful tips on choosing the payment scheme that will work for you.
The first thing to know about charging is the amount of money you will want to make. This will be important since your real motive for conducting a seminar is to gain profit. You will also have to consider the number of participants that you can accommodate. Do not sacrifice your seminar just for the sake of the money; be sure that your clients will be happy on the outcomes.
After computing the expenses and earnings that you can acquire from your seminar, you are now ready to decide on your own payment scheme. Be reminded that this scheme will depend on the kind of seminar that you will conduct and the number of participants that will be attending.
If the participants are coming from different locations, your payment schemes can be through the internet and online banking. Nowadays, mobile banking is also being utilized; real-time money transfers can be done over the phone. Using this scheme can bring you comfort since it is faster and more convenient.
Advance payment is one sure payment scheme that will be favorable for you. To entice attendees to pay in advance, you can offer discounts. Another technique is to offer price cuts for group packages; this way, you not only attract more attendees but profits as well.
Another payment scheme is via credit card such as Visa and MasterCard. Personal checks are also acceptable mode of payments. Just be sure that confirmation will be done before the conduct of the seminar.
It will also be useful to include a reservation and cancellation policy on your payment schemes since there are inevitable circumstances when participants cannot join the set activity. Stating your policy can save you from additional expenses that may be incurred due to absences. The policy can state that payment may be refunded for those with prior notice within 5 working days; beyond this set limit, the payment cannot be taken back. You can also note that a representative of a participant who cannot attend may be allowed as long as prior notice will be done.
Payment schemes can be acceptable as long as it brings a good relationship between you and your clients. One scheme may not work for the other set of participants so be flexible in offering different schemes that can be satisfactory for all. And do not neglect the payment options since this will be your key to have a profitable seminar.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Have Large Profits, Use These Seminar
Put the Power in Powerpoint!
A good seminar always has a good presentation to go with it. A powerpoint presentation will help your audience grasp your points in a seminar as it summarizes the whole talk. Here are some helpful tips in making your powerpoint presentation effective in your seminar.
The Design
Use backgrounds that are catchy yet simple. Avoid loud colors as they tend to shadow the text. Backgrounds are intended to make your presentation colorful but not to the point that they will be all that the audience sees. Keep it subtle and uniformed.
The text fonts should likewise be uniformed in terms of style. Never use a font style that is hard to read. A standard font will do. Make sure that your text is big enough to see from the back of the room. It will be helpful if you use different sizes of font to highlight the main and sub-points. Also, use a font color in contrast with your background. This will make your text pop out and easier to read.
Graphics should be kept to a minimum. Use them only when necessary to bring out a point. Avoid animations and sound effects as well to keep the audiences concentration on your talk.
The General Presentation
The first slide should always be reserved for the title of the seminar. Make sure that the title is something that will appeal to your target audience and will make a statement of what the seminar is all about.
The next slides should be the body of your talk. Follow the outline of your speech to avoid mixing up information. Use words that can easily be understood. It is also advisable to use bullet points for each of your statements. A powerpoint presentation is made to carry out the important points of a seminar. It is just a tool, so don't just read the whole thing. Show the important points one at a time and then explain them to keep the audiences focus on the speaker not on the visuals. Avoid wordiness as well. Use the six-words per line, six-lines per slide rule. Double check your work for spelling and grammatical errors.
If you plan to set times for your slides to switch automatically, remember to rehearse your timing. Give ample time to discuss your point before proceeding to the next. Finally, end your slide presentation with a strong and effective conclusion that the audience will remember.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Power in Powerpoint
Cashing In on Seminars
When people hear the word seminar what do you think comes to their minds? Many might say that they are technical and boring. Well, get these connotations out of your mind. Seminars can be educational and fun at the same time. Here are some pointers in conducting a profitable seminar:
1. Find an interesting topic.
You can't expect to sell your seminar with a topic that does not appeal to your target audience. You have to do research on what the people want and/or need. Make sure that you study the topic you have chosen if you are the speaker. If not, hire a speaker that is knowledgeable about the subject at hand.
2. Plan the seminar.
The seminar should be well-planned from the conception phase to the feedback phase. You have to set targets such as when and where the seminar is going to take place, the design, etc. Of course, you have to consider when a large group will be available to go to your seminar. As for the place, you need to know how many participants you are aiming for. Make sure that it is big enough to fit the audience comfortably and is conducive to learning.
Select a theme for your design. As for how much you will charge for your seminar, you have to consider your budgeted costs first. Charge over your costs but never overprice. Also, promote your program as much as possible. While you're at it, create a catchy title that will attract your audience to coming to the seminar.
3. Employ techniques other than the traditional.
To eliminate the dullness of a seminar, why not use other techniques that will brighten up the program? There are many ways to do so like making the seminar interactive wherein the audience can ask or comment on the speakers talk. Or maybe, provide a short video depicting a story or a point that will move them. In conducting your speech, try to make the seminar entertaining by adding in a bit of humor. Relate to the audiences lives and deliver sincerely. A visual presentation is a plus. Make the learning experience fun so that the participants will look forward for more.
4. The week before the seminar: call, rehearse and check!
The last week before the seminar should be used for getting people to come to your seminar. Use your public relation skills and your craftiness to convince people to come. Rehearse the flow of your program and your speech, if you are the speaker. Polish your presentation and make sure that all your printed materials are ready for the big day.
5. Talk with plenty of confidence.
During the seminar itself, talk with a lot of confidence, whether you're the host or the speaker. This will create a sense of professionalism concerning your seminar. Always be entertaining and try to address the needs of your participants and remember to thank your participants in the end.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cashing In
Effective Seminar Design
Seminars should follow a strategic plan in order to work. This includes the conceptualization of the seminar, the promotions and the program flow. Here's a detailed explanation of what your seminar design should include.
The Pre-Seminar Stage
During the planning of the seminar, you should select your target audience and establish a good topic. Prepare advertising tools such as posters and invitations which you are going to use to promote your event. Choose an ideal location and date that fits the seminar. Also, think of how much you will charge each participant.
The Program Design
A seminar should always employ a theme depending on what the seminar is all about. If it is a business-type seminar, the theme should be formal and bold. If it is a motivational seminar, maybe you should choose something that the participants can feel good about. Set a mood so your audience will be comfortable.
The Program Order
An effective seminar should be organized. Hand-out the programs for the seminar upon the registration of your participants. This will help them know what they will learn for the day. The program should begin with the opening remarks, stating the objectives of the seminar. It should be followed by the introduction of the speaker and their background. The speaker should start his speech aiming to interest the audience. He could use a quote, a statement, or even a joke to get their attention. Then he should carry out his points in such a way that they will be understood by the audience. He should smoothly make the transition from one idea to another and discuss them point-per-point to avoid cluttered ideas. It would be helpful if the speaker suggests attainable means and shares experiences or some situational analysis to explain his point further.
Give 15-minute to 30-minute breaks in between topics to keep your audiences minds fresh. Make a visual presentation of the talk to help the audience understand what the speaker is talking about. Try to make the seminar interactive so the audience feels that they are part of the program. After concluding the speech, allot time to conduct an open forum to address the participants comments and questions. Then, follow it with the closing remarks. Leave a powerful statement for the end to make the audience remember your seminar and inspire them to act. Remember to thank them for their participation and promote your future seminars as well.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Effective Seminar, Seminar Design
Filling It Up! Marketing Plan for Your Seminar
A seminar with empty seats is definitely a sore sight. Promoting your seminar is just like selling a product. You find people that will be interested and persuade them to buy it. Sounds easy, right? It definitely sounds easier than you think. There are a few more technicalities to consider such as:
Different people with different interests
Skeptics that doubt the effectiveness of your seminar
Costs of your seminar space, promotions, etc.
Man's innate characteristic of only paying if they think they are getting their moneys worth
The key to solving these problems and creating a successful and profitable seminar is marketing. Marketing is a fundamental process in any business venture. It involves the advertising and selling of your service to the public. A good seminar marketing plan must be strategic and well-planned. Below are steps in marketing that will reap rewards for your seminar.
Step 1: Know your market.
First, you have to know your market. You need to know what the people want and need. Research their social backgrounds and interests. This will be a little tricky as people have different lifestyles and tastes. This is where picking your audience comes in. Your target audience will be your focus in promoting your seminar.
Step 2: Create a good title and theme.
Your seminar title needs to be catchy in order to appeal to the public. You should clearly state what the seminar will be about and what they can learn from it. One tip is to make a list of potential titles for your seminar and ask for opinions from other people on which one is more attractive.
Step 3: Set the budget and registration price.
You have to work on a budget to guarantee a profitable seminar. Think of the costs of your location, speakers fee, designs and promotions. Be cost effective but do not compromise quality. After you know your budget, set your registration fee. The fee should be able to cover all your costs and generate a profit. Remember though that your audience will not attend a seminar that's overpriced. It will also be helpful if you get someone to sponsor your seminar.
Step 4: Promote your seminar.
Pick a date that your target audience will most likely be available but also consider the time for promotions. Put up posters, flyers and hand out brochures weeks before your event. Send out invitations if you have contacts to your target audience. The most effective way is to personally endorse the seminar.
Step 5: Final week, polish your seminar.
The final week should be reserved for last-minute promotions and polishing of the program. Make sure that the facilities are in place and that your presentation is ready.
Step 6: Finally, deliver a great seminar.
The best way to promote your business is through building a good reputation. When your seminars work, people will come back. Remember to always deliver your best each and every time. And for sure, there will be no empty seats at your seminar.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Filling It Up, Plan for Your Seminar
The Importance of Hiring a Professional Seminar Organizer
Do you wish you have more clients? Perhaps what you might need is to throw a seminar. A seminar is a good way for reaching more people at a particular time in a place of your choice. People who are interested in your seminar will naturally pay a visit and listen to what you have to say. Preparing for a seminar is not only time-consuming but it also needs proper preparations so the seminar runs smoothly as possible. While you may be good talking to people, you have to deal first with how you organize your seminar. If you haven't got the time to do all these things, it's time you hire a professional seminar organizer. It's the seminar organizers responsibility to make sure that your seminar is successful from beginning to end. The advantage of holding a seminar is that it draws the undivided attention from the topic you are presenting to your audience. It provides publicity and exposure and therefore exposes the business you are operating to more people.
What should you expect from your seminar organizer?
Organizing a seminar involves wide preparation and planning with most of the work implemented a few weeks earlier than the actual event. Your seminar organizer must first provide you with the time and venue of the seminar. The time and venue should coincide to your liking. Let her provide you with a selection of venues and pick out the one that suits you best. Let her think of creative ways of advertising to attract more people to coming to your seminar. Let her invite other speakers too that will help you convey your thoughts to the audience.
What should your seminar organizer do during the seminar?
Many things usually happen in between your speech. The organizer should see to it that everything works perfectly and that you and your audience are comfortable through the entire presentation. She must be prepared to handle unexpected things that happen during the seminar.
Importance of having a professional seminar organizer
An event can't be successful without the cooperation of the people behind it. Holding a seminar requires a lot of tasks such as ushering, customer handling, registration, as well as handling the finances involved while preparing the presentation. A professional organizer is required to ensure that there are no misunderstandings or any errors that might occur during the event. The result of the seminar, whether it's a success or a failure, somewhat relies on how well the planning is by the seminar organizer.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
4 Tips to Successful Sales Out of Doing a Public Seminar
Seminars are one of the common ways for people gifted with good public speaking to make a profitable living. They are usually used as a platform in selling their products and to make connections with other businessmen and make business deals with them. There is a reasonable quantity of salesmanship around these seminars, but this is really a good way for someone to generate sales especially when the speakers know how to convince the audience well. Seminars usually differ in usefulness and price. Here are tips to generate good sales and a successful public seminar:
Use a title addressing your interest and agenda
Just as the headline of an ad catches peoples attention, the title of the seminar should be that important. As part of inviting people to come and listen to your seminar, create a title that addresses your interest and agenda. Your seminars title should provide a door for people to get a glimpse of what the seminar is all about. The more people attend, the more sales you generate. Additionally, you can provide people with a list of the main points you will be discussing.
Introduce the main speakers effectively
One of the reasons people listen to seminars is because of the main speaker who will discuss the whole point of the seminar. Note that a seminar is not all about conveying information to an audience. Provide a picture and a short biography of your main speaker or you might want to include the others too. One of your goals is to provide the people with the introduction of the main speaker prior to the seminar itself. If they like your speaker, naturally, they will listen to what he has to say.
Provide incentives for the attendees
Closing for appointments is an important part of increasing your sales. You may provide attendees with incentives after the seminar so they will have another reason to wait until the presentation is over. After the seminar, you might want to give these attendees you calling card. If any of these individuals want you to organize a seminar, guarantee that they'll have a successful seminar with a discounted price.
Give your main focus to the seminar itself
Last but most importantly, focus on the seminar. Attendees come to your seminar not only because they want to hear from the speaker but for the incentives you provide them or the catered lunches you have arranged. These people are likely to learn what the speakers say and perhaps they too can apply them for their own success.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: 4 Tips to Successful, Out of Doing, Successful Sales
Technology and Teleseminar goes Well in Making a Profit
" What we've got here is failure to communicate" (a quote from Cool Hand Luke, a 1967 Film), you might wonder why I quoted that film. There is actually relevance because this article will be discussing Communication Technology in a Teleseminar. Keep that quote in mind while reading and you might just say, yeah that is right.
The key to a successful business is to learn how to maximize your resources to the fullest. A lot of online businesses are already in place over the Internet Superhighway, but not all of these businesses are successful. Why, because they failed to communicate. They built fancy websites, so fancy that you will literally drown in them, they have promotional activities that give away so much but so little in reality, and they make you feel guilty because you are just looking around.
So what exactly am I talking about? Its human touch, a face behind a website or better yet a voice that you can talk to that answers you back, not just some fancy auto-responder. In the world of teleseminars, it is important to reach out and be heard. That is why it is primarily called teleseminar, derived from two words telephone and seminar.
Teleseminar has taken the World Wide Web by storm. Everybody wants to learn new things, but not everybody has the time to go to venues to attend them. That reason gave birth to teleseminars.
In the early days of teleseminars, speakers conducted there seminars over the telephone on speaker mode. It is actually advantageous, economical and profitable, but through the years various communication devices became available commercially (which are less costly) such as:
Video Conferencing
Video conference also referred to as video teleconference (VTC) is an interactive telecommunication that allows two or more people to interact simultaneously. You just need a Web camera to do this, and you're all set to conduct or record your teleseminar. Basically it gives big impact for a low cost.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
VoIP has made it even more economical to conduct teleseminars and even more profitable because the charges cost less than the traditional telephones being used. Using VoIP has made it even more possible to conduct teleseminars over the Internet, thus enabling the speaker to talk to more people for a fraction of the cost.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Tools You Need In Conducting A Successful and Profitable Seminar
A seminar has always been regarded as an integrated experience for the attendees. For someone who conducts the seminar, it's a really profitable way of making a living. The more people participating in your seminar, the more profits you gain. Consequently, organizing such an important event requires a lot of careful planning and consumes a lot of time and money. In addition, there are tools needed in conducting such a profitable seminar.
Things to know before doing a seminar
Prior to registering the attendees, give some time to think about what you're getting into. Know what are the latest ins and outs of the business industry and recognize the trends in organizing and planning a seminar. The different tools used for the seminar should also be tested to check their functionalities. After everything is ready for your seminar and all your final touches have been put up to the venue room, make sure to have a talk on the delegates who will be speaking to the audience.
Tools you need in conducting a seminar
These tools are generally used while conducting a seminar:
Microphones. You need more than one microphone for several purposes. Aside from the speaker talking in behalf of the audience, you also need microphones for the participants to use. At the end of the discussion, questions are frequently raised by the participants. Make sure the microphones produce good voice quality to avoid confusion between the speaker and listeners.
Radio speakers. Put speakers on the corners of the room to ensure that everyone who participates the seminar could hear clearly. Test the sound level by going to the farthest part of the room and do the necessary volume adjustments.
Projectors. Projectors are especially needed if your speakers discuss their topics. Key points should be presented on the screen for all the people to see. Make sure everyone will see what's on the screen by trying out seats in all four corners of the room.
Handbooks. Supply both the speakers and attendees with handbooks so they can be guided during the whole presentation.
Internet access. Most attendees need an access to the Internet for personal purposes.
Lightings. Neither should the lights be too bright nor too dim.
Just like any other public occasion, participants of the seminar have their own expectations even before the seminar starts. Warmly welcome both the delegates and the attendees so they'll feel they are part of the whole seminar. A successful seminar means more profits for you. It could also provide you open doors for organizing more seminars.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Conducting A Successful, Profitable Seminar, Tools You Need
How to Choose a Website Design To Make Your Seminars Profitable
A company selling a variety of products provides its customers another easier way of introducing its products. Yes, it has its own website designed to introduce their latest products, provide people with how these products work, the company's terms of services, comments and suggestion box, etc. The design of the website itself is given priority to appeal the general publics eye. Today, not only do different companies make use of the Internet to reach more people but you can see that there are websites which introduce seminars to be held in the future. If you make a living doing seminars, your website should present each seminar you will be doing. The Internet is a powerful tool of introducing your talents and services. Prioritizing the design of your website should help make each seminar a success.
Choosing a domain name
When you publicize your website on business cards and other printed ads, the domain name should easily catch peoples attention. Though time and effort could rocket your website to the top of search engines, keywords in a domain name are still a big factor. Choose your domain name carefully and meet these criteria:
Not too lengthy
Easy to spell and easy to say
Matches the theme of your website
Easy to recall
Background of the website
Since your website is all about seminars, the background should relate to the main topics of your seminars. Use pictures for your background so visitors will immediately be given some form of understanding on what your website is all about. Choose a background image that does not distract the attention of your visitors.
Deciding on the website theme
Your website theme should be connected to the topics of your seminars. Provide brief discussions on seminars you have done and introduce just a few short words about the future seminars you will be conducting. Make your theme unique so it differs from the rest.
Produce a good graphic design
Design on the website is very important. Your website design should be able to achieve two purposes: (1): to set up your integrity and (2): to coax visitors into reading your websites content.
Targeting your audience attention
People who visit your website should be your main concern. Determine what your visitors expectations, wants, and goals concerning why they visit your website. To make each future seminar profitable, invite visitors to participate. The success of your future seminars also depends on how you introduce them to your future audience.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Guide to Selecting Topics to Make Profitable Seminars
Sometimes, choosing a topic to be discussed at a seminar is a difficult task. Yes, we all know that a seminar provides the audience new knowledge and new understanding on the topics the speakers were discussing. Moreover, we know that hosting a seminar is a really great opportunity to make use of relationship marketing. The problem usually lies on what kind of topics should be discussed to catch the attention of more people. More importantly, the topic you will be picking should please your clients. Here are techniques to help you out in choosing the right topics to a profitable seminar.
Select a topic you wish to focus on and find out if you can discuss it by yourself.
Your choice of topic should be appropriate as part of the whole discussion. While your choice of topic is unlimited, you have to make sure too that your clients approve of it before starting to work on it. Fundamental lessons, tips, methods and general ideas on certain subjects are excellent topics for a marketing seminar. Get the latest news related to your choice of topic and massively research anything about it. Indeed it's time-consuming but researching is really important to keep updated with regards to your topic.
Don't select a topic which attracts competition
One of your main goals when organizing seminars is to earn your living and at the same time attract potential clients. Your topic discussed could make or break your career. If certain participants have enjoyed listening to your discussion, perhaps some of them will hire you for future seminars. Most seminar topics which hold peoples attention usually focuses on the different problems businessmen are facing, especially if you intensely discuss on the solutions of the problems.
Think of yourself as part of the audience.
A successful seminar generally means that the participants have learned a lot of useful things and have enjoyed every part of the discussion. If you have second-thoughts whether your topic will be successful or not, try think of yourself as part of the audience. Try asking questions such as what people in the business world are mostly interested in. Plan your choice of topic a few weeks prior to the seminar. It should mainly concern issues on general business, focus on one problem that has been plaguing the business industry and try to discuss the ways, methods, and tips on solving a particular problem.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Guide to Selecting, Profitable Seminars, Topics to Make
Assembling a Crew to Work in a Seminar
If you are going to hold a seminar right now or sometime in the future, you have to be particular about planning it. More often than not, you only have one chance to gather many people to hear what you would like to offer or tell them or teach them. Finding the perfect speaker for your seminar is just one of the hardest steps in planning one. The other half of the job would be to assemble a crew.
If you can, try to include your speaker as part of your crew. While speakers are normally paid by the hour, you might as well pay him extra if he will stay after the seminar is over. His presence during mealtime is going to be very important. Because at that point, people can easily talk to him, ask him questions, or even mingle with him to get to know him better, being the important person that he is.
Your speaker is your most important crew. Treat him like a king. Give him everything he needs and compensate him extra for his time. Speakers staying a while after the speech will give your seminar a more intimate feel. Besides you will be able to acquire more information about your attendees if they decide to stay after the talks because they want to meet the speaker personally.
But more than the speaker, you should also be particular with the other people in your crew. You need to hire at least three people for every seminar that you hold. Of course, the more people you can hire, the better. And that's because an extra hand will definitely help you serve your attendees more and give them everything they possibly need.
First off, you need people at the registration table. You need at least two people manning that area at the start of the seminar. One person would be checking the tickets and tearing out the stubs. If your seminar doesn't have tickets and members need to pay during entrance, then you have to get somebody to collect the fees.
The other person at the registration table would be manning the attendance sheet. He or she would require every attendee to sign the information sheet. The information sheet is very crucial because you might want to contact your attendees again for future seminars. Also, the same person will be in charge of handing out all the seminar materials to each of the participants, as well as writing their names on the ID badges.
The third person would be escorting attendees to their proper seats and providing for their special requests. The third person is also in charge of overseeing the attendees as they go through the admission process, signing of the forms, and getting their seminar kits. If you don't have an extra hand to do this job, you can probably do it yourself.
During the seminar proper, your three-man crew has to stand on the sidelines to attend to the seminar participants and the speaker himself. One person should be right behind the projector and the computer system to make sure that everything runs smoothly and to show the slides and presentations in accordance to what the speaker is saying. One person should attend to the refreshment table, especially the one that will be given to the speaker right after his talk.
Meal times are the most crucial time of a seminar. Regardless if you are just serving snacks or refreshments after the talks or if you're going to serve lunch or dinner, you need all the help you can get. You need somebody to prepare all the food on the table and make sure everybody gets their share. You also have to hand out these foods to the attendees or at least the utensils required, especially if you're going to follow a buffet style of a meal.
After the snacks, you also need to clean up all the used utensils or the wrappers from the food you've served. You are required to keep the cleanliness of the place where you held the seminar. So it is going to be quite a task if you only have three people in your crew.
But more importantly, you have to employ lots of people at the sales table if and when you decide to sell something, like a book or a CD recording of the seminar. You don't want to lose sales just because there are simply not enough people to handle the purchases of the attendees.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Assembling a Crew, Work in a Seminar
Audio/Video Equipment
Picture this; everything is set up for the most important business presentation of your career, you have pepped yourself up all day for this moment, and you are ready to bask in your presentations success, when all of a sudden, the audio system fails in the middle of your punch line. This reality will make you realize that preparation should not only be focused on the speech itself or on your appearance but, more importantly, on the equipment that would aid the speaker in delivering his important message. All video and audio equipment should be properly set up well ahead of the scheduled presentation.
There are many ways to acquire audio and video equipment. One is to personally supervise the set up before they are to be used (the company may have its own equipment). The other option is to ask someone else (there are businesses that offer mobile equipment) to provide them and also to set them up. If, for instance, the presentation is going to be done outside of the office on a different venue, it is important to ask if the venue will be able to provide audio or video equipment. If they do, that is one less concern to worry about.
If the company is able to provide the needed audio and video equipment, it is very important to make sure that they are well set before the big presentation. If you have enough knowledge on electronics, then you can check the wirings and all the other connections yourself so that disaster can be evaded. If your knowledge on electronics is Neanderthal, then it is important to ask the opinion of an expert in equipment set up. Be able to supervise, along with that expert, the actual set up of the equipment in the conference room.
If the company needs to hire people to put up the equipment needed, there will be less work for everyone. Most of the businesses who offer audio and video equipment are experts and they should be able to go through the set up in a breeze. It still helps to do some checking if your nerves don't get pacified.
Most of the companies who have audio and video equipment also do equipment sales and rentals. Equipment rentals are very reliable (just remember that the equipment in use has already been utilized) but if you require new equipment, then they could also offer to sell brand new items.
For venues that have their own audio and video equipment (projectors, computer and speakers), make sure to coordinate with the manager all of your personal requirements for the presentation. It is always good to be open with what you want and what you don't want. And make sure to point out that you don't want any catastrophes to take place during this very important presentation or conference (it is always best to learn how to use the equipment before the big day). Most managers will cater to the customers conditions for as long as they are able to deliver them.
After the set up, it is important to test the equipment and do a mock presentation (with just a few of your office buddies as your audience). Since most presentations are now done with PowerPoint, it is important to ascertain that the laptop battery is fully charged even if an electrical outlet will be used. There is always wisdom in preparing for the worst that could happen. Also, if a remote device will be used for the presentation slides, it is always good to check if the device works and that there are batteries for them (just in case).
Test everything; that is the most basic rule, and know how to use the equipment. For those with limited technical knowledge, make sure to obtain the contact number of the technical support person who will be able to help. Prevention is always better than cure, in this case, once the damage is done, there is no telling how to patch up the ruined reputation. And just a tip: stash a printed document of the presentation so that when an act of God (a.k.a. something that is uncalled for even after the preparations) occurs, the presentation can go on.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Audio/Video, Equipment
Back-end Sales
Back-end sales, in layman's terms, is being able to market and close the sale to additional products or services to existing clients. People in business know that it takes much more time to gain a new customer and to market the company's products to a yet probable market. It is much, much cheaper to sell to existing clients since they already know what the company is capable of offering (this means less advertisements and marketing tools).
It is quite easy to hook the loyal customers to remain devoted to the company. Such advertising measures as sending out e-mails or snail mails could ensure easy sales. Profits will surely be raked in as these loyal clients respond, and who knows, they can even bring referrals who would be as eager to make the purchase (word of mouth is a much cheaper means of advertising but is one of the most effective).
The initial sales aren't the pillars that will eventually support the business to stay longer in the industry. The initial products are only samples and once the client base is founded, it will be the back-end sales that make the business flourish. Most businessmen invest in initial sales (to the point of making do with just a break even) to impress their first customers. When these customers come in, its time to count profits coming from back-end sales.
It is said that it takes around 5-7 times of advertisements before the message sinks in to any new customer to make a decision. Once this undecided person does decide to become a buyer of your initial product, then he is somehow filtered and becomes a part of the next level of marketing phase where the objective is to keep him hooked or interested. Once he becomes a regular customer, it takes much less time and effort to ask for additional sales.
One good idea for back-end sales is the sales of videos of previous, successful seminars or sessions that have been held. These videos could help inspire those who attended to remember what they learned at those seminars. If lucky, the company could even take in additional customers through word of mouth (the attendees talk about the seminar to their immediate family members, friends and other associates).
Since old videos could become new money for the company, its advisable to make enough preparations for each and every presentation and to carefully store these videos or manuscripts for future release. One possible way to market them is to send e-mails (with a much more personal note) to existing customers. Also, it is best to make the customers constantly remember about the company by sending ads every now and then, again, through their e-mails.
Back-end sales is the bread and butter of the company. To clearly illustrate the point on this, let us set a common example: let us say that Company A has established quite a few enthusiasts with its marketing schemes and giveaways. As these people become their clients, they work hard to please them by providing extra services or a freebie every now and then. As long as the clients remain pleased, business will be good for Company A, if not, some of these clients might prefer to do business with Company B.
Using the power of loyalty, Company A could start selling previous seminar videos or even manuscripts of what the business has been offering. The secret here is to make the existing clients feel special and treasured. Businessmen should bank on the idea that existing clients are 25% more likely to buy what the company is offering to them. Once they feel that they are just another number, then its time to say goodbye to them.
Just remember this fact; 90% of the company's profits, according to some studies, are delivered by back-end sales. Making manuscripts, other printed materials, or videos of previous seminars or conferences can be comparable to earning royalties and earning that 90%. Once a talent is done with, say, a record album, he could begin earning royalties each time that the album is legally bought. It is much like working while the sun is up and enjoying the profits as the business trudges on.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Back-end
Conducting Seminars
The seminar industry continues to experience robust growth. While some businesses experience a fluctuation in times when the market is slow, the seminar industry continues to earn supporters. It is especially lucrative during healthy periods in the economy. This industry is also very flexible from the grassroots level to the corporate level to the international level, seminars mean big, serious business. In fact, many of the stars and celebrities who have become successful authors and in-demand TV and radio guests owe their success to conducting seminars. Learn more about this business and find out if it is the right industry for you.
The business of conducting seminars
Believe it or not, seminars rake in millions of dollars each year. Speakers who are in-demand in the business don't make a shabby income, either. Some of the most popular regularly earn gross revenues of about $150,000 to $300,000 while the big ones can earn from a minimum of $1 million to a whopping $130 million a year.
And even if you're not as popular, you can still stand to earn gross revenues within the range of $30,000 - $100,000 a year. This is especially true if you have several engagements within a year and speak to a good number of audiences. A seminar speaker from Fredericksburg, Virginia, for example, is now earning a five-figure income after just 2 + years of regular lectures and sessions.
But before you can earn money, you need to spend it. Conducting seminars can be logistics and manpower-heavy. Other than the speaker, you need to be able to handle the facilities, equipment, brochures and seminar materials, advertising and promotional materials, contact persons and product development and distribution (if you have a product to sell). If you're just starting out, expect to spend from $5,000 to $20,000.
However, the startup costs involved in conducting seminars is relatively low. There really is no need to rent a fancy office or put up some signage for your business. The major expenses you will incur will involve marketing, promotion, site facilities and office equipment such as a computer, a printer or a copier. Other than that, you'll also need the basic stuff: phone and Internet connection, software (for the preparation of seminar presentation and materials), office supplies, stationery (preferably with your logo and letterhead), a fax machine and permit for sending bulk mail.
The virtual seminar
Many professionals have been conducting seminars using the Internet for a few years now. This is currently the fastest, cheapest and most convenient method with which to reach a wide variety of people in more parts of the globe. Just imagine: you could be sitting in a room in Montana and be speaking to people who live in New York, Montreal or places such as Russia, China, Scotland or India. Web seminars are also user-friendly. The audience doesn't have to travel to your location just to listen to you. There are no logistics to worry about and no facilities to rent.
Market research
You'll also need to spend for or at least put a lot of effort in market research. There are very few seminar topics that last over two years and even then, they would be overwrought and boring. As a seminar speaker or presenter, you need to be able to constantly offer something new, unique and exciting. That is also how you can stay competitive and in-demand in this business. Become too generic or old-fashioned and you could easily lose your market.
Becoming competitive
The essential component of becoming successful in conducting seminars is having a skillful and engaging speaker (that's you) and a compelling and relevant topic. The more interesting the subject you have to offer, the more people will be willing to pay to see you.
You also need to be able to offer specific topics for your lectures. While there's nothing wrong with using general-interest materials, it's often better to offer specific subjects and target specific audiences. If you will be giving a seminar on tax preparations, for example, don't just offer one that says, 'Tax Preparations'. Specific seminars such as 'Tax Preparation for Small and Home-Based Business' or 'Tax Preparation for Contractors' are much more specific and intended for a particular audience. In fact, when your target market learns about your seminar, they will know it's for them.
Preparing for your seminar
Conducting seminars is not a week-long process. Some of the most successful prepare for their lectures months ahead of time. Creating and designing an effective program takes time to research and develop. Plus, you'll also have to figure in the time you'll need to promote your seminar. Plan as early as you can, at least four months before you launch a new program. If it's an old program, you generally will need a much shorter amount of time.
Posted by Musicswaders at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Conducting Seminars